This sets players up for the next set of Protean Waves, as well as the following Drainage. It is recommended that the melee players feed their Dolls first so the healers can come in and top players off before the next group of Dolls are fed to the bosses. Generally, players should figure out an order to feed their Dolls so they don't feed too many at one time and wipe the raid with the resulting Reducible Complexity. Players can then feed their Jagd Dolls to either the boss or the Hand once their HP is at 25% or lower. After this the tanks can move the boss and the Hand. Just before that, the boss and the Hand will use Fluid Strike/Swing, which need to be mitigated. The tanks need to move the boss and the Hand away to make sure they don't touch the orbs. At this time, the Rages will spawn Embolus, which will start to move towards where the Hand and the boss were at the time of spawning. The boss will use Hand of Pain here, so be sure to have the boss and the Hand at roughly the same HP, with no more than a 4% variance. They will spawn in relation to where the Liquid Rages are, so the DPS players who are picking up the Dolls should be sure which one they are picking up. Following this, the Jagd Dolls will spawn. The ranged and healers should bait these so they fire out of the arena.

Players will need to then position for the Protean Waves. Have the off tank pick up the Hand and separate them once the Hand of attack comes out. Keeping them close together will bait Hand of Parting later. Keeping the boss close to the Hand is a good idea so they can both be AoE'd and damage can be managed easier on both. The boss will then split its HP and summon the Liquid Hand here. It is recommended that players top up HP here. The boss will use Fluid Swing and follow with Cascade, spawning the three Liquid Rages Note where these spawn and mitigate the attacks with cooldowns. To start, pull the boss to the middle and face to the north.

Tanks need to pick these up and use cooldowns to mitigate the damage that comes out from them. Drainage: Two random Rages will send out tethers.

Splash: A non-telegraphed attack that blasts the raid with unavoidable mid-level damage six times in a row.Sluice: The boss will spawn these AoEs under the four players that are the furthest away from it.If they touch a boss or a player they will explode and wipe the raid. Pressurize/Embolus: Orbs will spawn at two of the Rages and move towards both the boss and Hand were at the time they spawned.If players get 2 or more stacks of Luminous Aetheroplasm, they will die. If the ads are killed or fed at to high an HP percent, Reducible Complexity will wipe the raid. Once these ads HP have been reduced to 25% or less, they must be brought within either the boss's or the Hands hitbox, causing whoever the ad is fed to to cast Reducible Complexity, dealing high raid-wide damage. These will tether to the first person who damages them and will pulse Exhaust occasionally, debuffing with a stacking Luminous Aetheroplasm. Jagd Dolls: Four dolls will spawn in the middle of the arena slightly off the cardinals.When the boss fires waves, it will also fire one directly out in front of where it's facing that isn't telegraphed, so players need to avoid standing directly in front of the boss. The attacks are aimed at the player closest to the Rages or the four players closest to the boss. Protean Wave: Conal AoEs that fire from the boss and the Liquid Rages.Players must keep both the boss and the Hand in check during the entire phase. If the boss and the hand's HP are more than 4% different by the end of the cast, the party wipes instantly. Hand of Pain: This acts as a check that happens periodically.Failing this mechanic will wipe the raid. If the hand is an open palm, the boss and the hand must be brought together. If the hand forms a fist, the boss and the hand need to be separated. If the boss is far from the hand, it will be an open palm. Hand of Prayer/Parting: Based on where the hand and the boss are, the hand will glow and either form a fist or be an open palm.while you don't need to defeat it, players must pay attention to this ads HP in order to handle a mechanic later. Liquid Hand: The boss will split its current HP and summon this ad.Cascade: Hard-hitting raid-wide damage that will spawn three Liquid Rages around the arena at the cardinals with one empty cardinal.Fluid Strike/Swing: Hard-hitting tankbuster cleave that comes from the Living Liquid or Liquid Hand and debuffs with Water Vulnerability Up, meaning tanks can not take Protean Wave.