Hora Queen Naiad Healler : Weapon Chimera High, Elemental Chimera High, Dual OD, Booster Chimera Donation, Aiming-Blood Booster, Gold Capsule 30.000, Leon 55 Holy Elf Royal Guard : Gold Capsule 1.000 - 10.000 Holy Elf Assaulter : Gold Capsule 1.000 - 10.000 Naroom Captain : Calliana Necklace ( Farm Medium ) Dark Elf Berseker : Aiming & Blood Booster Part Box 3D Brother : Elemental Chimera High ,Weapon Chimera Dawnbringer, Dual OD, Booster Chimera, Gold Capsule 30.000, Anti Stigma & Anti Failure PitBoss Elan : Armor Chimera Dawnbringer, Gold Capsule, Booster Chimera Rock Twezer : Gold Pig Statue ( Farm High ) Jesto : Gold Capsule 1.000 - 30.000, Leon 55, Box Elemental HDH & Elemental 3D Special Chimera Potion (Dual OD, Teleport - Summon and Anymore) Ammo Spec 3000 & Excelsiar A/B/C (Black,Yellow,White)

Elemental Chimera High : 10.000 PvP Point Chimera Dawnbringer Weapon 75 +6 : 20.000 PvP Point Chimera Dawnbringer Shield 75 +6 : 110.000 Gold Point Chimera Dawnbringer Armor 75 +6 : 220.000 Gold Point Chimera Dawnbringer Weapon 75 +6 : 330.000 Gold Point Chimera Dragon Armor 70 +6 : 500.000.000 Money this preview animus sealed only.but in this pack.include mau + siege 75 RemasteredLink. RF Chimera - Feel The Real Hell Here
BlackSign : Ventana Elemental Read More : Rf Ventana Full PVP ServerĬari Rf yang Tahan Lama Dan Doyan Rusuh Mari Join Rf CHimera
PB Izen Cracker : Ventana PvP Weapon, Talk Jade Dark Elf Berseker : Diamond Necklace Of Kalliana Queen

PB Ringleader Blood Axe : Pot Anti Stigma/SOD lvl 1-3 Great Kurr : Blood & Aiming Booster 99 Grade Calliana Atroc,Crue,Archer : Diamond Necklace Of Kalliana Queen Young Flem : Hora DarkHall's TreasureBox Ammo Spec 3.000 & Excelsiar A/B/C ( Black,Yellow, White) Balance Damage And No Over Power Donation Ketua : Weapon Donation High +7 dan Box HDH 3slot Open New Community untuk Cora dan Bellato : Auto PVP Point / menit mendapatkan pvp point 50 perak Sini Merapat RF Supernova 2232 Full PVP Server !!īaru UP 1 minggu, Server Balance, Rame, Total Player 300++ Jetzt sind alle Magie-Shops modifiziert und auf meinem.Kaga cape apa maen RF yang tembus Fly ? WPE ? CE ? dan segala cheater ? Xeno Ash-Greninja Skin Pokemon XYZ and Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Ultimate Bloody Staff), alle Blinkwings und alle Sets (Bis auf die Bloodys und v7 Sets). Ultimate Bloody Wand), alle Staffs (inkl. For example,you want to use paper plane booster,so copy AKM00.rfs(inside paper plane folder category), akm01.rfs, and RFInfo into RF/Item/Armor/Mesh and replace the old one. So, da mir extrem langweilig ist und ich mich nen bissle in die Core reinarbeiten will habe ich mir ma das ganz tolle Tutorial hier geschnappt und werde damit nen paar Shops für Funserver machen. The "bad" chests (those that you cannot open with a key) are still called Treasure Chest. Added a title to them which reads "Shinies Inside" for easy recognition). Renames the Treasure Chests that require a key to open (also known as Treasure Boxes) to "Box". It will only work for CT1 retail! Does not work on L2J! Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 36 Repliesĭue to a few requests, I decided to share my modified NpcName-e.dat file. Treasure Boxes for CT1 (modified NpcName-e.dat file) This + Modified Skin = completely changed RF ^^ happy gaming guys dont destroy RF Copy the cursors inside the new mouse folderģ. Loa 2 Teleporter = Space of Pilgrimage, DeathlandĢ. Modified Dekaron Server Files + A7 SETS and A7 ARMORSĪ7 Weapons for all class (except aloken) with custom damage