Perception definition in communication
Perception definition in communication

perception definition in communication

After we select the information that we are paying attention to, we have to make sense of it in our brains. What were the first things that you saw when you looked at each picture? Could you see the two different images? Which image was more prominent? When we examine a picture or image, we engage in organizing it in our head to make sense of it and define it. Look again at the three images in Figure 2.3.2. We are so focused on how wonderful they are that we often will neglect the other negative aspects of their behavior.

perception definition in communication

For instance, people in love will think their partner is amazing and will overlook a lot of their flaws. It also means that you might be overlooking other things.

perception definition in communication

Selecting doesn’t involve just paying attention to certain cues. As opposed to, if we are in a happy mood, then we will be more likely to overlook a lot of negativity because we are already happy. If we are in an angry mood, then we might be more attentive to things that get us angrier. The last thing that influences our selection process is our emotional state. Our motives influence what we pay attention to and what we ignore. Another motive might be to lose weight, and you might pay more attention to exercise advertisements and food selection choices compared to someone who doesn’t have the motive to lose weight. If we have a motive to find a romantic partner, we might be more perceptive to other attractive people than normal, because we are looking for romantic interests. The fourth thing that we will pay attention to is based on our motives. We might be more alert to it since it repeats, compared to something that was only said once. Think of a catchy song or a commercial that continually repeats itself. The third thing that we pay attention to is something that repeats over and over again. Some people grieve for an extended period because they were so used to having that person around, and things can be different since you don’t have them to rely on or ask for input. For instance, if you had someone very close to you pass away, then you might pay more attention to the loss of that person than to anything else. On another note, different could also be something that you are not used to or something that no longer exists for you. It is something that you don’t expect, and that makes it stand out more to you. You might pay attention to this person more than others because the behavior is unusual. Imagine if someone entered the elevator and stood with their back to the elevator doors staring at you. Commonly, when people enter an elevator, they face the doors. Second, we will pay attention to things that are different or contradicting. We can’t help but notice these things because they are exceptional or extraordinary in some way. In other words, it stands out of the crowd and captures our attention, like an extremely good looking person at a party or a big neon sign in a dark, isolated town. The first reason why we pay attention to something is because it is extreme or intense. There are a couple of reasons why you pay attention to certain things more so than others. The same thing happens when we end a relationship, and we are devasted, we might see how everyone else is in a great relationship, but we aren’t. For instance, when you are in love, you might pay attention to only that special someone and not notice anything else. When we focus on a particular thing and ignore other elements, we call it selective perception. Usually, we pay attention to things that are louder, larger, different, and more complex to what we ordinarily view. So, how do you decide what you want to pay attention to and what you choose to ignore? People will tend to pay attention to things that matter to them. At every moment, you are obtaining a large amount of information. You will pay attention to things based on how they look, feel, smell, touch, and taste. The first step of the perception process is to select what information you want to pay attention to or focus on, which is called attending. In this section, we will learn that the perception process has three stages: attending, organizing, and interpreting. If we only see one side of things, we might be surprised to learn that things are different. Then, their followers or fans get shocked to learn when those images are not true to what is presented.

perception definition in communication

Some people present themselves positively on social media, and they have wonderful relationships. People present themselves how they want others to see them. Sometimes this presentation is a true representation of yourself, and other times it may be a fake version of yourself. When it comes to interpersonal communication, each time you talk to other people, you present a side of yourself. \( \newcommand\): William Ely Hill (1915) “My Wife and My Mother-in-Law”

Perception definition in communication