The mount itself is $800 so I got an RC scope for $200.
I was able to buy a package from Opt which included the AVX plus a 6" RC telescope for $1000. But I wanted something that would be ready to go out of the box. There are many tutorials on what and how they do it and most people who own the mount are very happy with it. One is that many of the people who have ZEQ25s end up tweeking the mount to get it working optimally. That said I ended up going with the AVX for a couple of reasons. Sure, you can find people who hate both of those mounts but that's true of any product. Let me say that I think they are both good mounts and you can't really make a mistake buying either one. I went through a lot of research also for an EQ mount and eventually narrowed it down to the iOptron ZEQ25 and the Celestron AVX. If you can't get a copy of the March 2014 magazine, perhaps I can summarize the ZEQ25 review for you. He said perhaps with a sturdier tripod, but not with the standard 1-1/2 inch diameter legs. He did use it with an 8-inch SCT, but didn't think the mount would be good for larger apertures. I note from the review that the reviewer (Dennis di Cicco) thought the mount was a good match for a 4-inch refractor. You mentioned using this mount for OTAs up to 3500 mm, ~20 lbs. Here's a short review from their website.
Highly portable with good load capacity for its size and weight.Excellent Go-To and tracking performance.Here's a nice video from Sky and Telescope discussing two of their mounts: Two iOptron Mounts Reviewed by a UserĪlso the ZEQ25 mount was reviewed in the the print S&T magazine, March 2014, pg. If I didn't already have a Losmandy G-11, one of these mounts would be on my radar as well. The mounts by iOptron have been well-received for their inovation and value. ĪNY Feedback, Opinion or Recommendation will be Greatly Appreciated. The EQ Mount that's captured most of my attention is the iOptron ZEQ25 7102. High Tracking Accuracy is important as I'll be using it with OTA's up to 3,500mm FL & ~ 20 lbs. I've been looking around for my 1st GoTo Equatorial Mount.